Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Episode 14 - Say My Name!

Hint: Get the tribe 411.

Quick Solution: Open the tribe screen. 

Hint: A change of identity.

Quick Solution: Change the name of a pygmy. 

Hint: Choose your profession.

Quick Solution: Change god type.

You have unlocked the Name Tag Idol! 

Episode 13 - March of the Fire Ants

Hint: King of the hill.
Quick Solution: Whip ants into a frenzy. 

Hint: Draw the line.
Quick Solution: Make ants eat Pygmy.

Hint: Get a closer look at the ants.

Quick Solution: Burn ants with magnifying glass. 

Hint: Focus on the Pygmies.

Quick Solution: Burn Pygmy with magnifying glass.

You have unlocked the Ant God Idol! 

Episode 12 - Something's Fishy

Hint: Cast the line. 
Quick Solution: Pygmy goes fishing. 

Hint: Hook, line and sinker. 
Quick Solution: Pygmy catches fish. 

Hint: You said a mouthful. 
Quick Solution: Pygmy eats fish. 

Hint: In your face! 
Quick Solution: Fish-slap a Pygmy.

Hint: Rude awakening
Quick Solution: Fish-slap a sleeping Pygmy.

Hint: The deadliest catch.
Quick Solution: Shark pulls fishing Pygmy into water.

You have unlocked the Fish God Idol!